Dear Future Thru-Hiker

Dear Future Thru-Hiker, At this point, you’re looking at minor details like “where do I stop for my first resupply?” or “will I really have to hitchhike??”. You’ve either told your...

The Appalachian Trail’s “Bionic Woman”: An Interview With Niki Rellon

Niki Rellon is a spitfire – quietly efficient, diligently determined, and impressive in all of her achievements. Her previous adrenaline-filled expeditions include skeleton races, competitive skiing, kick-boxing and even...

Niki Rellon Writes History on the Appalachian Trail

400 Mile Marker Niki Rellon, better known as Bionic Woman along the Appalachian Trail, recently etched herself into history as one of the most astounding thru-hikers on Earth. The 40...

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