Tommy Crack Climbing

Getting My Butt Handed to Me on a Moderate Crack Climb

There’s a route in North Carolina that’s a moderate climb. But it kicks my ass every time I attempt to climb it. It’s my anti-style  -- an overhanging crack...
New Mexico

Las Cruces, New Mexico

March 11th, 2022.                                                 Las Cruces, New Mexico We...

IFSC Climbing Worldcup (2019)

The IFSC Climbing Worldcup riveted hundreds of people this weekend, as the world's best competitive climbers fought for a spot in finals. The sixth, and final Bouldering World Cup brought...
Broken Leg While Bouldering

The Tale of the Broken Leg

This week my roommate, Blake, broke his leg. He was at the top of a bouldering wall that he had fallen from hundreds of times before. His hands clutched...
Texas Land of the Wind

Texas: The Land of the Wind.

The wind blows and blows and blows, like an air river, rushing through the sky. If you sit in it for long enough, it will start to chip away...
Looking Glass Rock Climbing Rock Climbing

Discovering Looking Glass Rock: Climbing “the Nose”

Looking Glass Rock is one of North Carolina’s most prominent rock features. This lump of whitesand granite is what geologists refer to as a “pluton,” or a big piece...
Dirtbagging from my Car

Preparing to Be Houseless Again

There’s an echo in the house. Fur balls bounce through the halls like tumbleweeds, swollen and forgotten. The wind sweeps across the floor, unencumbered by furniture and trinkets as...

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sunglasses high-elevation

Best Sunglasses for High-Elevation Endurance Sports

Did you know that exposing your eyes to consistent UV rays can cause you to develop issues like cataracts? You could also face problems...

Best Outdoor Dog Gear for Your Pets in 2023

Venturing into the backcountry with your pup is a great way to spend time together. You might hit an iconic peak for sunset, or...
Doing My Real Job in Canyons

“Some of Us Have Real Jobs”

I’ve had to navigate a lot of doubts to get to where I am today. For a long time, I thought that nobody wanted...